in Envelope Savory Yellows Lupins Grown with care and prepared with the right amount of salt for an unparalleled sensation of freshness and crunchiness. Buy now In oil Grilled Peppers The peppers are slowly roasted over charcoal for a soft texture and irresistible smoky flavor. Then they are pickled in oil to preserve their freshness and keep them juicy. Buy now Extra-Strong of cherries Jam Carefully prepared using ripe and juicy cherries, this jam is an explosion of natural sweetness and fruity freshness. Buy now lupini salati in busta - agrifood - san severo - ricette pugliesi (1)

in Envelope Savory Yellows Lupins Grown with care and prepared with the right amount of salt for an unparalleled sensation of freshness and crunchiness. Buy now in oil Grilled Peppers The peppers are slowly roasted over charcoal for a soft texture and irresistible smoky flavor. Then they are pickled in oil to preserve their freshness and keep them juicy. Buy now Extra-Strong of cherries Jam Carefully prepared using ripe and juicy cherries, this jam is an explosion of natural sweetness and fruity freshness. Buy now lupini salati in busta - agrifood - san severo - ricette pugliesi (1)